Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How did I get here?

I have a lap top.  In and of itself, no big deal- right?  But for me this is new and has opened up a whole new world to me.  It is often a wondrous world but at times it is quite simply overwhelming.  I am most definitely a technology immigrant.  And like many immigrants, there is a very steep learning curve to deal with, especially when it comes to setting up a web page.
I have been teaching French for many years now and like many things one has done for a long time, I have forgotten what it feels like to learn a foreign language.   Setting up a web site requires knowing the local language.  It's not just a matter of learning new words for things- there are entirely new concepts and structures which must be navigated.  Learning the "what" is challenging enough but understanding the "when," "why" and "why not" takes some serious concentration and patience with often feeling at a loss.  That's when the "I hope nothing irreparable happens" mode kicks in.
If you're lucky, you have someone who can translate the choices and explain what the various outcomes will be for each one.  If you're like me, I ask my kids and if they don't know...I just roll the dice and hope for the best.
So far, only minor inconveniences have happened.  I haven't inadvertently jammed any satellite tracking codes or set in motion any launch codes - at least not that I'm aware of...  All in all, I have learned a lot but I am also very aware of how much more there is to get a handle on in this brave new world.
And so, here I am.  I am writing my first blog and perhaps it will be my last.  But I gave it a shot and even figured out how to put it out there- I think.  Best of luck to anyone else out there who is mystified by all of the choices, avenues, levels and parallel universes out there.  Happy trails.


Kaneohe, Hawaii

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